Sunday, May 25, 2008

Our Sunday Trip

Today we left the house at around 11 and headed to Sacramento to see The Phantom of the Opera. It was awesome, I left my camera in the car when we went in because I was afraid they might confiscate it, but I wish I wouldn't have because the stage setup itself was amazing. The special effects were way cool and by far the most spectacular of any play I have seen so far.

Even though I don't have any pictures of what we saw on our way to and from the parking lot (including a church of Scientology with what we think was a security guard standing out front) I do have pictures of our eventful trip there.

First we stopped to check the oil and found that we only had about one-third of a (tank?) container in there. So we filled it up some more.

After that we were on our way.

We encountered some helpful warning signs:

And some nice dairy trucks:

Why what is that on our windshield, you ask? We believe it was either milk or ice cream that was delightfully spewing from the back of the truck. The windsheild was so dirty after this, it gave me a headache just looking through it.

On our way home, I decided that I should find a gas station and clean it off so that while we were driving home, I didn't have to deal with impared vision and a headache. However, my navigator thought differently. He decided that we only had a little bit of time before it got dark and that I wouldn't be driving into the sun anyway so it wouldn't be that bad. Boy was he wrong, on both accounts!! We had a whole half an hour left to drive and the sun wasn't going to set for another hour at least. Then on the way home, we were driving directly into the sun. FUN, FUN, FUN for me!

We finally made it home and I cleaned my windshield, however, my navigator is now fired. That was his third strike. What were his first two? Number one: When asked which way I would be turning onto the road ahead, he said, "Oh, you'll see it. It's at the four way stop up there." That's right, FOUR way stop! Number two: When asked what exit am I looking for up ahead, he says, "15th St." Later on we are talking about how far the exit is and I find out that I am supposed to merge onto a completely different freeway in between where we were and the 15th st. exit.

It's okay though, all mistakes were taken care of before they got us lost, and we made it home in one piece. I still love him and maybe he will get to be navigator again some day. To be honest, I am still shocked he trusted me enouh to drive there!

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